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  1. V


    Bump, no europian clans going on in the game whatsoever? I just wanna play in a clan, have some fun and such. I ain't the greatest player but I ain't no noob either. Com'on, anyone? ^^
  2. V


    I was wondering if any clan from europe was recruiting for ESF, and if they were willing to give me a shot. Always played this game, always liked it. Played it years ago, when the old melee system was still in it and such.. Just wondering if there is any europe clan that is still active to give...
  3. V

    Suggestion for stopping 2vs1 fights.

    I really hate people who double team somebody. And i found a sullotion for it. Don't mind the spelling tho. But why don't you make a button that challenges the enemy, and if he accepts by pushing the same button back, then they are glowing in some colour for the others and they can't be harmed...
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