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  1. R

    The mystery of the missing Dragonball.

    True, the first 2 wishes go great, then the 3rd time it shows a Dragonball behind a mountain, and under a curved piece of ground. Also with some maps, you can toss the Dragonballs off the edge. If you throw them hard enough. Thus rendering the entire CTDB mode useless. Just noting.
  2. R

    The Imfamus Hate Thread

    Oval has an Avatar that looks like something I found in my toilet yesterday.
  3. R

    General, yet largely annoying error!

    This isn't completely ESF related, but some since it happens to ESF now too! I'll explain. When I run a new game, depending on the game, my computer sometimes reboots when I change a level, or exit the game. A few examples: Serious Sam: When my render mode is set to OpenGL my computer...
  4. R

    Changing Models using Console

    Been away a while sorry :S I can change models normally, but when I ascend (any character) I can't change models anymore. I can however, change models when I descend again. And I don't have to reboot HL anymore on a side note, the chaning models is Case Sensetive, that's why it wouldn't...
  5. R

    Changing Models using Console

    I was playing with Goku, and I used your method to change my model to S4Goku (wich is another model I installed) then when I ascended I couldn't use any custom models anymore. I had to shut down HL to do it again. Please help me out
  6. R

    Changing Models using Console

    Now of this I'm pretty sure is not mentioned before (I checked) so here goes: Whenever I ascend I can't change models until I shut down HL. Is this a bug or something like: "Oh you just gotta set Mp_allowascend to 1 " Please tell me
  7. R

    Changing Models using Console

    Well as mentioned in the "console trouble" thread, I can't use the console to change models. I've tried the normal HL command for it "Model ModelName" (where ModelName is the name of a random Model I downloaded the other day) but it doesn't seem to do anything. Did I make a mistake or is this...
  8. R

    Plz give me hl original cd-key

    /me smells a topic lock
  9. R

    Teleport not in DBZ?

    That's right! You read it correctly, there is no such thing as 'teleport' in DBZ (Except for Goku's instant transmission) In the series they sometimes to a similair technique, but that's no teleporting, that's just "very fast moving" I'd say give the "Teleport" a new name, and make it use...
  10. R

    The Imfamus Hate Thread

    Snake101 thinks knowing how to use MSpaint is called "hax0ring"
  11. R

    How Did U Find Esf?

    I was checking out some pr0n but ended up downloading ESF... no wait that's not right :laff: I found it through Planethalflife's Mod of the week.
  12. R

    Something Odd

    What machine are you using? I always get about 60/70 FPS when I'm fighting and I only have a AMD 2400+ with 256MB RAM and a Geforce 4 128MB video card. (Reads thread you linked to) well maybe you shouldn't try to play a game on Windows XP. It's not a gaming OS. It's actually more of a "I...
  13. R

    Console trouble

    well the binding the console thing helped. Thanks alot! Now there's one other small issue (related though) I've been trying to change models in ESF like this ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Console ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Model S4Goku ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ where S4Goku is a model I...
  14. R

    Console trouble

    Ok... I've tried it... but everytime I choose a class the console drops back down and I have to reselect the team and class. Any other suggestions?
  15. R

    Console trouble

    Well, short and sweet, my console won't pop-up. I've no other keys bound to the ~ key but when I press it nothing happens. I have also checked for the -console in the shortcut, but it was there. What could be wrong?
  16. R

    Block struggle glitch!!!!!!!

    For all those that can't get their consoles to work (or because misteriously that command doesn't work... like for me) you can also switch teams until you die. If you're in powerstruggle and you change teams you get hurt like 20 points. But you don't die or respawn or whatever. Just keep...
  17. R

    Dragonball HJ Drawing

    I only got his story, as well as the original Documents wich contained the story. It had a Copyright thingy in it... could be just show too... anyway, I know for sure he's going to Japan this week. So I really don't care who he's gonna meet and what the results are. Come to think of it, the...
  18. R

    What you want in 1.3?

    - More Transformations (3 levels of transformations at least) - "Standing on the ground shooting a beam and blowing yourself up" bug fixed I'd say that would make it great enough for me :laff:
  19. R

    Scatter beam?

    Thanks alot, I always felt a bit nooby and a bit like "is my ESF busted or something" :laff:
  20. R

    Scatter beam?

    So, about the Scatter beam. Why is it called a Scatter beam anyway? It's only a straight beam... I have no idea how to make it 'scatter' Secondary button does nothing. A little help would be appreciated [/noob]
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