Recent content by sanSTyX

  1. sanSTyX

    Why aren't you guys hosting Open Beta on torrents anymore?

    Nostalgic The oldest thread here. Reading through some of this stuff is sad :-(
  2. sanSTyX

    do you guys have any sponsors

    I'm sorry but this made my day, almost died from laughter. My kind of humour.
  3. sanSTyX

    Why don't you just release it?

    All this reasoning is nonsense ... All is cause and effect. Dev team neglects community then community neglects dev. Yes you may not have got assistance worth mentioning before but your chances of finding a developer with salt among 100 shitty ones was higher than finding 1 among none. Stop...
  4. sanSTyX

    Why don't you just release it?

    So I am very much in this boat with the OP. I have been following this game for almost half of my life and i am 26 now. I have even been a small part of the dev community for a while. The general feeling and consensus i have with the teams involved is that no one really has drive anymore. No...
  5. sanSTyX

    Korin's Tower

    Looking awesome man :-) I want to fly around there now!!!
  6. sanSTyX

    Korin's Tower

    Looking forward to seeing it :-) Will be busy on my anims this week and will post progress :-).
  7. sanSTyX

    Korin's Tower

    Looking very cool :-) Wont criticize because you seem quite aware of everything already. Good work. Inspiring me to get to work :-)
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