Recent content by Nemsenakht

  1. N

    Something about melee that i still dont get...

    I'm considering playing with bots only too. Its still just as hard as some people (the bots in this game are good fighters), just as fun, (because of the intense fighting), and because it lags so much when I play on servers on my great comp and I dont know why
  2. N

    Something about melee that i still dont get...

    ok Now I understand... but what exactly increases powerlevel? I was playing a bot and I pulled all sorts of melee combos on him but his powerlvl only increased! and mine didnt increase by much.
  3. N

    Something about melee that i still dont get...

    thanks guys, thats what ive been doing as an alternative anyway lol. now onto practicing with bots
  4. N

    Something about melee that i still dont get...

    I dont get it, I'm playing with bots, i have melee selected, i move the mouse over my opponent and left click and NOTHING HAPPENS. no red box, no swoop no nothing. help ?
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