Recent content by just2n

  1. J

    Taking a Pole on Programming

    Basically my scripting system is a processor emulator, literally. It's the closest thing i've ever seen to the exact replication of the x86 family processor architecture. Basically things like java which aren't really incredibly well designed for speed or power but more for .. portability and...
  2. J

    Taking a Pole on Programming

    Java is a scripting languages, that's all there is to it.
  3. J

    Taking a Pole on Programming

    First of all You dont know what a virtual machine is do you? Java is compiled into bytecode sure, what is bytecode? do you know? Basically a virtual machine pretends to be a processor. It has it's own version of the registers, and a function to handle each operation. It does not at all...
  4. J

    Taking a Pole on Programming

    .data myVote db "Asm and c++ !!! HAHA",0 myTitle db "VOTE!",0 .code main proc push eax push ebx lea eax,myVote lea ebx,myTitle push MB_OK push myTitle push myVote push 0h call MessageBox pop ebx pop eax push eax call ExitProcess main endp OH NOES!!!!! TEH ASM IS COMING!~...
  5. J

    Taking a Pole on Programming

    NOT A CHOICE!!!!! :) I know ASM... in fact im writing a VirtualMachine myself for my scripting language in my dx9 engine :)
  6. J

    How do i do that Dragonballs give 7 miliom ki?

    A good idea though, might be to make it much much much harder to gain pl and have it save people's pl even after they disconnect, so when they join up they can choose the player, and if they have PL saved on him it will pick up where you left off :)
  7. J

    I want to learn how to code a half-life mod

    If you want a better understanding of what variables are, i'll go ahead and tell you here... since i have yet to see a C++ tutorial or book explain it in much detail. The first time i picked up C++, i blindly accepted that the 'int' keyword would let me make an integer and that a 'float' or...
  8. J

    Yet another poll on Programming

    MSVS .net 2k3 enterprise :\
  9. J


    IN got it. That's the reason that error occurs. Make sure you dont put the semicolon operator after a function header unless it's a declaration. =\
  10. J

    Taking a Pole on Programming

    Flash Flash really isn't what i'd call a language.. It's more of a script.. for it's position in the use of web-based graphics and even graphics run on your system through the use of the flash standalone player, it's worthy of praise imo. It's not too practical because you can't really do much...
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