Recent content by God Goku

  1. God Goku

    What is your favorite part of DB/Z/GT/Movies? *SPOILERS*

    I would say my favorite part would be when gohan used the father and son kamehameha on cell. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param...
  2. God Goku

    Will Smith on an MMORPG

    Lol thats funny
  3. God Goku

    CCI help

    No I dont get any errors. But when I compile the char it just gives me 2 warnings. Im going to reinstall ecx rc2.
  4. God Goku

    CCI help

    It didnt work is it something to do with where my cci files are, because my cci files is located at the esf folder.
  5. God Goku

    CCI help

    Hello, I need help with CCI. I created my char and I also compile them. Then I put my amxx file to core/plugins/cx. Then I started a server in Ecx and went to the char selection then my char dosent show. Am I doing something wrong? Please help me.:confused:
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