Recent content by Dagger

  1. D

    Melee good or bad you decide. (Official Melee Post)

    I think the melee is all good. The one thing I dont like is after somebody knocks you down sometimes they'll stand beside you and wait for you to get up so they can kick you again. I can usually teleport or jump out of the way but not always. Maybe something for when your getting up they do like...
  2. D

    mystic and ssj2

    ok I get it now. When i first saw Ussj on the show I thought it was ssj2 but after watching more and reading these forums i got confused and wasnt sure. Thank you everybody who helped me with this little was greatly apreciated.
  3. D

    mystic and ssj2

    but is mystic considered a level like ssj or is it just what people refer to as gohan after using the z-sword?
  4. D

    mystic and ssj2

    I didnt think the z-sword gave him any power increase. I know the old ki released some hidden power in him but i dont remember him gaining any thing from using the z-sword. and about the ssj2, when they go ascendend (i'm pretty sure I spelt that wrong) is that just another way of saying ssj2 or...
  5. D

    mystic and ssj2

    I hear a lot of people talk about this mystic level and I for some reason have no idea what it is. Could some please explain to me what it is. Also could some one tell me the difference in appearence in ssj2? Thank you in advanced.
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