Recent content by D_W_Y

  1. D

    Can't install

    OK I have esf installed, its in the cs folder and then in an esf folder and I ran half life. I quit and checked steam but it doesn't come up in my list of games. I'm really confused.
  2. D

    Can't install

    OK so I found the esf folder in my counterstrike folder but there's no .exe to boot the game with. SO what do I have to link to in my desktop shortcut? (Sorry about triple post)
  3. D

    Can't install

    OK I made it install into the counterstrike folder, cus thats all itd let me do, and now when I run the shortcut on my desktop it runs cs and not esf. How do I fix it?O_O
  4. D

    Can't install

    I've got half life and counter strike fully installed and updated with steam but when I go to install esf I get to the part that asks you to define a folder you want it installed into but the install button is grey and I can't press it.
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