My Thoughts on the Disk....

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Dec 10, 2001
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Well, I've seen so much fighting on and on about Disk Spammers and such that it has sickened me so much I have almost lost the wish to play ESF. Lets face it, if the disks don't do one hit kills, they're broken apart from DBZ, where they DO insta kill. But haven't you ever wondered about catching the disks? In the Cell Games, Gohan caught not ONE but TWO Kienzan's thrown at him, and served them right back. It would be interesting if the block move could catch the disks, like you were using it yourself. Also, why should the disk return to Cell and Frieza anyway? In my thoughts, the disks should be created of ki, and their speed heightened. Face it, the disks can be outsmarted, if you're fast enough, I was using Krillian once, and this guy was Zanzokening around, half charging Kamehamehas while I replenished my disk, dropped his float for a second, then fired at me after my disk missed, since I tried firing before he fired.

Face it, going on and on about the disk, the disk spammers, and the Vegeta spammers is pointless. They will perhaps change their ways in the next release, especially when Buu makes his grand entrance. Lets face it, Krillian is one of the suckiest characters, and keeping the true Kienzan nature means that he can combat Goku, Vegeta, and all the others. It's just the actual spam of disking to begin with. Personally, I say that Cell gets the Chou Kamehameha (His own lil "Super Attack", this time a massive Kamehameha with hole lots more explosive power and damage, but a long charge...), loses the Frieza disk, and/or gets the Kiezan, and Frieza gets the power to create two small disks that CAN be caught, and if wished, thrown right back. It's just a thought, though, it would be interesting to see Cell get the tail sucking ability, where if you were struck, he'd rapidly suck your PL out of you, and into himself.... heh heh. Just a thought though.

Personally, I've tried my damndest to get the disk spamming to stop by the FAQs I wrote. I don't see anyone on this damn bored giving a flying shit (Pardon my language) and doing somethingto HELP these disk spamming newbies. Do they KNOW how powerful Cell's Kamehameha can get? I don't think so. You should REALLY try in your own way to help these people instead of banning them and pissing and moaning at them. At this rate the community will get smaller and smaller, until one day, it goes *Poof*, we're not giving these people a chance to get the skills in ESF to play with the more experienced players, like ourselves. And that flaw will slowly diminish the community, when they get tired of hearing so many people crying about "This bastard disked me! Ban him from ESF forever! Boo hoo!". Personally, I'm now sick and tired of hearing everyone cry over the disks. They're IN the game, at least this version, and they won't be changed at all until the next version, perhaps. Give some interesting ideas for the disks, don't cry and whine about banning someone because they used an attack that's in the game and you don't like it. I don't like the disk very much, like everyone else, but diskers CAN be outsmarted, and over powered, if you've got the skills. Show them their disking doesn't make you flinch, whine, or cry, and beat their ass in with Kamehameha and Big Bangs, they'll learn soon enough, that the disking won't help them get any more kills.

~Ryu Kaiser
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Nov 25, 2001
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thats alot of writing dont worry there restricting it next release i think believe me big bangs worse
New Member
Dec 10, 2001
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I guess I did go a little overboard, didn't I? I was just going on my thoughts at that moment. I hope at least some people are reading this and getting some clues. It is pretty pointless going on about the diskers, I must say....


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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 24, 2001
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I can see you tought about it :).
But howcome, if the disk is worse then a kamehameha or a big bang it's numero uno in hated attacks. it actually is better I guess... Not that I use it (being Piccolo). But when me and my Clanleader are in one server. and are playing lame just for fun hes actually very good, very very good. He kills me before I can even launch an attack on him even when I dodge when I'm charging. Perhaps when it is used by a good player it actually is the best attack.

Just as with CS when u have perfect aim the AWP is the best weopon. If u have aimbot (is perfect aim) ur invincible with a awp. IS it true that no skill is needed? Maybe, but I know that if u are skilled with it u can be invinceble. If it's not that good why should u do it away then?

If u can catch the disk, isn't it a bad atack then? It's not like Freeza got so much good attacks. And sounds to me that the attack u want to give to him aint that good also. Also Giving Cell another beam?!? That means he has like 4 beams Not that anything is wrong with that. But he is then Like *ultimate* but overpowered...

I really have no ID what to do instead. But already I think Freeza and Cell are bad characters, who can be good with the right skill, but they don't stand a chance against Piccolo, Vegeta, and even Goku.

Again I waant to say, Do you get banned from a server (CS) when u only use AWP, no, some would say CS is a different game, and I agree, but I think this is the same princip. I know u cant fly with cs etc etc but for this thing it actually doesn't matter. It's about the the *one hit kill*. I also think the disk is even worse then a awp. If they lock on u with the disk u can dodge it if they lock on u with an awp ur death. So an awp is even better, and u don't get kicked or banned for that.

(BTW I'm just writing what I think maybe it looks like a mess :))

But the thing we hate, or most do, is beeing disked when ur in a power struggle, how do u wanna solve that problem whit the abbility to catch it? When u are in a powerstruggle ur not able to do anythin else. Then the idea came that there should be a forcefield around u when u are in a powerstruggle, but what if the powerstruggle is between a BB and a FF Then U can't throw another BB at the player who is in the powerstruggle. Bad idea, to my opinion.

What is it that is hated by the disk then? just when ur fighting as normal when hes in front of u and he (or she) throws a disk? That is SO easy to dodge. Or when they do it from the back? It's not like u could do anything even if it wasn't the disk if it was somethin' else like FF or BB u would be dead too. Or do we hate it that they just kepe doing it all the time? I dunno, it's just the same slow and easy to dodge disk all the time. If they want to use it (talkin' bout the n00bs now) thinkin about that they cant use it any good, let them, I don't have a problem with it. And if it's a skilled player whos using it then u just have to live with it, that he (or she) is better then u are.

Greetz Naz AKA [DCC]Piccolo
New Member
Nov 24, 2001
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I'm sure I made at least 10 other posts about disc's/big bangs so Ima keep this short and simple...none of the attacks are changing. Thank you.


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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 24, 2001
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If it would it would be a total s*ck attack, and half speed and a easy to dodge disk and then u also have to charge for it?!?!?!?!
Do u want to make freeza and cell bad or somethin'?
New Member
Nov 25, 2001
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At least they should make it so when you have a disk in your hand you cant move they currently move slowly but they shouldnt even be allowed that
New Member
Nov 26, 2001
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The attacks are fine, the discs are dodge able people
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💻 Oldtimer
Dec 1, 2001
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North East Pennsylvania
The only time Disk/Bang moves suck is when they are mercilessly spammed. Firing at someone from below while they are in a powerstruggle, while spammer is on T3 and victim is on 56K, and then they move into position to do it again is shytey sportsmanship. If the you are charging an attack to hit cell, frieza, or krillin and they disk you, you need to go to Akimbot and buy yourself some skills before you whine.

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