Message to Harsens

New Member
Mar 2, 2002
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Harsens i looked at ur beams and id say u need to make the start more round. Like the one is Alpha 2.0. Id say when u charge it up little u get a small starting of the beam and if u charge it til full u get a huge starting beam it would look well cool. It would be better if later in another beta u could add small polygon count beams so it dotn lag as much u can see through them and it would look well coool it be like dragonballquake for quake 3.
Man ur coding for the beams is pretty good like bid for power :D
i hope u like my idea
New Member
Nov 24, 2001
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Thanks. I moved it to suggestions, 'cause it fits better in there.

Most of the beams have charging animations, so making the beamstarts/beams grow wouldn't be handy.... It might be fun for powerstruggles.

For the lag, the beams are fully clientside (except for creating/destroying them), so they shouldn't 'cause lag at all.

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