LOL something funny

New Member
Nov 14, 2002
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i was on a server just five minuites ago .. and my name was two parts (there was a space between them) .. well the server said training or somthing .. but anyway .. were all n00bs now! so i was beating up like every body (looks like they never played it or neve read the manual!!) then suddenly the guy (the admin) talled me to change my name!! to one word (without space!) so i said ok .. i changed it .. then i was gonna ask him why .. but b4 that i found that i have ben kicked!!! what the hell!! oooh ... then it came to my mind .. he wanted to kick me but he didn't put my name in " quotaion marks" and ofcourse he can't kick like that! but hey .. be happy he was smart enough to figure out that the problem is that i have a space in my name!!
lol .. how about if i put "`" or "~" in my name!! he would probably say "remove symbols from ur name!"


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