Melee, you gotta love it!

New Member
Dec 12, 2001
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Man when you figure out how to melee well it's the best thing to do. Adding in beams makes it even better but melee'ing takes some skill to get right. Only thing is some people make a big deal out of blocking. So in order to make it a little better for all those who are bad at it and those who block the cheap way (sit there and wait to get attacked).

1. When you see someone charging towards you block and then when they hit try to hit them back by right clicking only you don't have to charge into them.

2. If someone is being lame and just blocking and waiting for you then pull something fancy or fake them out. My personal favorite is to charge at them then break the charge before i get to them and then teleport behind them and then hit them from behind. They can't block their back so it's the only weakness they have.

3. After you make a good hit do a beam don't get greedy with the hitting.

4. A good fake out is picollo's special beam cannon. Shoot it then charge right behind it. Chances are they won't be expecting you to be there too so they'll dodge it.

5. Don't teleport very much at all. It drains Ki rapidly and makes you vulnerable.

6. Power up when you get to about 1/4 of your bar left. And try to time it for when you'll have a moment free.

That's about it. Try to stick to those and come up with some variations. I like fighting with people who are good at it.
New Member
Jun 4, 2002
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I have to disagree with numbers 5 and 6. The rest seem like pretty good tips though.


I like to hit them in a corner of the map, hit them from above then blast them with the Ki Blob thing from up above, or a Kamehameha or something similar.

It's my only stratagy, so I'm quite predictable.

Occasionaly I swoop in, Solar flare their ass then hit them away from whatever direction I want, but I rarely do.
New Member
Nov 9, 2002
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i swoop hit then i do a generic beam when i hit em from above i do a gallit gun or a big bang when you hit a SSJ it aint smart to do a gallit gun or somthign simuar they get up to fast try to only use a generic
New Member
Nov 30, 2002
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depending after i melee them, if it is two the ground i ki ball them so they die by ki ball shield (kiblob) or if they just get knocked back i push 3 fast (generic beam) nd beam them nd swoop in nd do it agen :D :D

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