Would it be better??

New Member
Apr 12, 2003
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Wouldn't it be better if people could block discs? (gohan caught cell's discs in da anime, krillin's disc shattered when it hit cell)
How it COULD end up:

1/ Sorta like a block struggle, reaches the yellow line, the disc shatters OR disappears (no additional animations)
But it'll probably take most of you ki away. But this would be very hard to do, if you have the same pl or a lower pl, nearly impossible i should say.

2/Catch da disc: Within 15 seconds, if you could get the bs bar totally to your side (reaches the end of the bar) you could catch it and throw it back at you enemy, but it would be hard to get things to the end of the bar, But if you have a way higher pl than the thrower, it could be possible. Since you are way stronger than him, you really shouldn't get killed by his disc. But then again, balancing the characters is important, if discs can't kill people with one-shot, krillin could get rejected by players.

This is not a suggestion... i just wanna see how people see to this topic
New Member
Feb 2, 2003
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i think that if your PL was high enough the disk should have no effect on you like when krillen did to Cell. I deffinatly don't think you should be able to block a disk but if you had enough PL you can throw it asside like a generic beam or a ki ball. Or even better if you throw a strong enought attack at a disk it shatters the disk.

Also, the strenght of the disk should be determind by the amount of KI that is put into the attack, if a low charged disk hits you it should only take life but only kill you if you are already weak, while a fully charged disk should kill you out-right even if you are stronger than the person who threw it. And the speed of the disk should be related to the amount of KI you put into it since the disk as it is now kills at any level of charge and move the same speed at any charge.

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