DBZ FF - Rise of a Dynasty

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May 21, 2004
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I decided to try writing my own Fan-fic, set thousands of years before the dragonball show, on the planet Vegeta.

Chapter 1 - Trust
His boots clicked on the tile as Zardex stalked through the otherwise silent corridors or the Royal Palace. King Bakarn had summoned him rather early this morning, but that was something he had gotten used to, as the head of His Majesty's Elite Guard. None had been truly surprised by the young Zardex's rise to early power. His family was renowned for their ruthless ambition, and streak of arrogant nobility. As they were old allies of the King's line, it was easily foreseen that he would rise to the tops of Saiyan society, especially when he started showing his combat potential. He was still the reigning world champion. But none suspected the true reason for Zardex's desire for such a esteemed position.
Entering the throne room, he dropped to one knee with easy grace, his long black cape settling behind him, and glanced towards his liege.
"Rise, Zardex. You know you needn't keep such trivial formalities with me." the king spoke, strongly, but carrying some hidden affection for this man, whom he'd come to consider a son.
"Yes, Sire. You summoned me?"
Straight to business, like always. "Yes. We've taken some captives from Jamool. I need to go interrogate them, and i need some of your best men to come with me. Those Jamoolians can be ferocious backed into a corner.", the King answered, "You, however, will stay here and guard my sons, as i cannot trust anyone else. I've heard rumors that someone is plotting treachery, and i need to make sure they are safe. Keep your eyes open for anyone acting suspiciously. And make sure my sons do their morning combat drills, they've been slacking off lately."
"Yes, Sire." Zardex promptly responded, allowing himself one cynical smile at the irony of the situation. Luckily, the King seemed to take it as a smile of pride at his trust, and turned away to prepare. I'll take very good care of them.

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