Transformation/Turbo Aura Asthetic Suggestions

New Member
Apr 7, 2004
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First, for the much more simple and realistic suggestion: In addition to the aura spinning, make the aura appear to be more like fire. What I mean by this is... Eh... If spinning is going left to right, then fire would be going bottom to top. They do it in the show, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about :]

My thoughts on player transformations:
They need to look purdy damned cool. Now, I know the animations they have now get the job done, but I don't think they really make you feel like you're becoming stronger, so here's what I recommend, this example is SSJ (I'm sure the team's creative enough that they could make all the others get some cool-looking transformations if they take this idea into consideration):
Start Transform - Get a little screen shakage, and your basic aura starts. Player stands upright throughout. Classic powering up stance, with the weird elbow directions and stuff.
Transform - Aura starts growing (speed of growth depends on time of transformation, though this'd probably be hard to implement and not really nessecary) and spins progressively faster. Obviously the character would have to make some sort of intense audible clue of digestive problems. Arms raise slowly/distance themselves from the body.
End Transform - Big ball thing that's already in the end of transforms, nice screen rumblage, player brings arms back down into the basic power up stance, and his torso comes in with his arms. Player sounds like he's been relieved of any and all digestive problems.

Btw, I'm pretty tired, so please bear with any weird grammar mistakes.
Old School
💻 Oldtimer
Nov 18, 2002
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St. Petersburg, Florida
Well, its hard to model and animate an aura model to flow upwards like in the show. I suggested an optional sprite, that could be switched on or off in the options, that could be used instead of the model aura. I think an optional aura sprite would be cool.

But the transformations are only like, 9 seconds long. I like the more indepth transformation idea. But youre suggesting different player animations, sounds and aura tweaks. I dont think all that is needed. Besides, they all transform in unique ways. They animate differently and for the most part have different effects. I wouldnt want to see the same effects repeat.

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