Open Challenge

King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 6, 2004
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Since I've posted my final round with Kelesk, I'm itching for a new fight. Anyone is welcome to accept, but if their bio is similar to mine it'd make for one helluva fight.
New Member
Feb 21, 2003
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I will ref this battle

Venue abandoned military camp in a forest in the northern US, the camp looks like it was abandoned in haste, and there is no idea as to why.

LET'S GET IT ON!!!!!!!1
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 6, 2004
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How can I smack talk my faction leader, good friend and all round nice guy Magus? Lets just go out there and do our best. Oh and when I'm beating the poo out of your face, I'll be gentle :)

F:C and NoA better watch closely while Rocky and Magus show you what fight club is all about.
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 6, 2004
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Rocky walked through the under brush of the forest. The sweet fresh smell of nature and the bright never-ending green sight made him sick. Realising the day was getting late he quickened his pace, “No use showing up if he’s already gone.” The shuffling sound of his Rocky’s long black cloak, which was dragging across the ground, disturbed the tranquility of the beautiful surroundings. Rocky looked to the sky. “Shouldn’t be long now.” He thought as he continued to trek through the endless green forest.

The trees became thinner as Rocky approached the end of the forest. Large metal lookouts poked over the top of even the tallest trees. “Ah. Finally.” Rocky thought as he walked up to the metal fence. Looking around he saw that a hole had been cut. Further inspection revealed that the fence had traces of dried blood. The smell of death was in the air.

Rocky smiled as he stepped into the military facility.

Rocky walked through the camp turning his head from side to side. The camp was abandoned. But even as he walked, he found numerous examples that the camp had been abandoned in a hurry. Military sheds were quite heavily stocked with arms, hangars still filled with brand new jets. “Interesting…” Rocky thought as he continued his walk.

“You shouldn’t wander around alone.” A dark voice said.

Rocky turned to see two men in uniform slumped on the floor, using a shed as back support.
“I like to live dangerously.” Rocky said with a smile

“Come closer, I need you to help me…”

“Is that so, I don’t think you’d like my blood, it's full of all kinds of nasty things. That’s what happens when you work for someone as prestigious as my master. But you know that don’t you…Magus!”

One of the men stood up and ripped off the military clothes, revealing that he was indeed the vampire Magus. The other man fell to the ground. Rocky looked first at Magus then at the other man who’s face was twisted with pain and horror. Rocky noted the two holes on the side of his neck.

“What business do you have with me?"

“Not so much me, I have come to give you a message. From…a higher power, so to speak.”

Magus looked into the shrouded face of Rocky as he did so Rocky’s eyes met his and began to glow a dark red.
“One of Lucifer’s stooges I see. There was a time when I was respected in hell. Now I receive messages from low class demons. What new mission does he have for me?”

“Not a mission I’m afraid. It appears that my master and you had a little deal regarding the use of some…weapons. Unfortunately my master believes that you have not paid up on your end. I am under strict orders to take you in alive.”

Magus smiled baring his long white fangs. “You must be kidding. I have sent many souls to him, in payment for the weapons.”

“Who? Him?” Rocky said, pointing to the corpse. “My master requires strong, evil souls. Souls that can be manipulated to his will. Boy scouts mean nothing.”

Magus looked at Rocky. The last traces of sunlight glinted off the top of his sunglasses. “I hear it’s going to be a full moon tonight. What do you possibly think you can do to bring me in?”

“Save your breath vampire. You are strong but you cannot hope to defeat me.”


Rocky spread apart his massive wings, ripping the black cloak to shreds and revealing his awesome figure. His tail, pleased to be free from its cloth prison began to move uncontrollably.

“Come quietly Magus, you don’t want to fight me.”

“It seems I underestimated Satan. He must be very eager to see me if he sent his best fighter. Rocky, Isn’t it? I’ve heard a lot about you. You have quite a reputation. I’ll come quietly.”

Magus walked slowly toward Rocky, Rocky smiled. “And Satan thought he would resist.”

Magus’ smile met with Rocky’s “You know I wasn’t lying about the full moon. I was hoping to run around for a while. Rocky turned back toward Magus, who instantly punched him in the face, sending the Demon reeling.

“Ha ha ha ha. You didn’t honestly think I’d come quietly.” Magus leapt into the air. His fangs ready for the bite. “ I wonder what Demon tastes like.”

Rocky quickly rolled out of the way and calmly got back to his feet, wiping the dust from his body. Magus watched as Rocky’s eyes flickered black, The Demon was contacting The Devil

“Sire. It is as you predicted. Magus refuses to come.”

“We have no choice. Use whatever force is necessary to bring him in. But I want him alive.”

“How can I fight him if I can’t hurt him…”
Rocky thought to himself.

“What news from the underworld.” Magus said with a grin.

“It appears I must bring you in… alive.”

“Tough break Demon. Maybe this will cheer you up.”

Magus clenched his fists as two blades came shooting out of his arms. The hand crafted blades of Satan, that were given to Magus as a gift. The evil steel appeared to radiate dark smoke but it may have just been the poor lighting.

“So those are your little toys? I’ll be most pleased to watch Satan rip them from your arms!”

Magus leapt at Rocky blades swinging. His speed and cunning was almost too much for the Demon to evade. Unarmed and much slower than Magus Rocky, needed to concentrate on the blades in order to avoid them. This left him open to many of Magus’ kicks. Taking too much damage. Rocky had no choice but to take flight to regain his composure.

“You’re fast vampire. But it will not save you.” Rocky swooped at Magus his claws and fangs readied for an attack. However Magus was too fast and side stepped the oversized brute.

“Is that all?” Magus mocked as he came charging in with his blades. Rocky began playing defensive again concentrating on avoiding the blades. “This is no use. I’ve got to slow him down."

Magus lunged, aiming both his blades at Rocky's throat. Rocky did something the vampire did not expect. Rocky caught the blades with his bare hands. He felt their dark energy pulsating through him. “Anything with a kind soul would be burnt by these.” Rocky smiled as his own blood dripped from his cut hands.

“No pain. No gain.”

Rocky swung with his tail the tip slicing Magus on the cheek. Magus screamed in pain as he withdrew his blades and clutched at the burning scar.


“It would have been foolish for me to come out here without any weapons to harm a vampire. So I had the steel blade on my tail replaced with a silver one.”

“You’re a clever one Demon. But this is only the beginning.”

Magus turned and fled into a weapon storage building. Seemingly beckoning Rocky to pursue. Folding back his wings, Rocky walked towards the warehouse an eerie calmness about him.
The building was pitch black. Rocky’s demonic eyes penetrated the darkness. Inside, Rocky saw walls upon walls of ex-military grade weapons. Each one marked with a serial number. Rocky looked around for Magus but the vampire was too cleverly concealed.

“Poor, poor Rocky. You’ve found yourself in a situation haven’t you? You're all alone in the dark with a vampire. “The hunter has become the hunted.” Magus gloated; seemingly unaware that Rocky was able to see in the dark. The echo made by the large warehouse. Made it difficult for Rocky to locate Magus. However he had been able to make a rough estimate.

“I don’t want to fight you Magus, I’d rather we settle this without violence.” Rocky lied.

“Oh is that so. Well I know what your settlement would be. Take me to Satan and have him torture me! Ha! You make me laugh.”

“Right there.” Rocky smiled, his own cleverness amused him.

“Unfortunately, There are other things I have to do. So I’ll be ending this now.” Magus leapt from his hiding spot ready to strike, but Rocky was ready. He sidestepped the vampire’s attack and countered with a chop to the mid section. The vampire doubled over in pain.

“How did you…?”

Rocky picked up the winded vampire. “You fool. I too have the ability to see in the dark.” Rocky smiled bearing his fangs. “Now you’re mine.” Rocky, wasting no time bit deep into the vampire’s neck, injecting the poison of the Devil’s curse.

Satisfied, Rocky dropped Magus to the floor.
“You’re probably wondering what I have just done.” Rocky said looking down on the vampire. “I have hit you with the Devil’s curse, a powerful poison that once administered will slowly weaken a foe until they die. That is, unless you come with me. Even your vampire powers cannot save you now.Give up!”

Magus slowly got to his feet, his teeth clenched in anger. “Enough games Demon. I’ll show you a real fight!”
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 6, 2004
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I know we talked about you not putting your fight in soon but I'm gonna be going away for a week on friday (which I think is your thursday) So if you get your fight in reasonably soon I'll be able to post my second round. Otherwise we'll have to postpone this for a pretty long time. Let me know what you think.
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 6, 2004
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I'm back so whenever you're ready to continue this little shindig I'll be waiting...
💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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I enjoyed both posts. But, extreme detail, a gradual flow, and a more complex story claimed the victory.

Rocky, you definately have the kind of potential it takes to become a Fight Club elite. The only thing holdng you back is attention to detail, as I stated above, what basically what won the fight. You should spend more time on describing the scenery, everything that goes into each action, and the result of each action.

Example: Rocky spread apart his massive wings, ripping the black cloak to shreds and revealing his awesome figure. His tail, pleased to be free from its cloth prison began to move uncontrollably.

Improvement: The demon's wings exploded from his tensed back, shredding his attire, it falling to the ground around him. Magus, who was now intimidated by the increased outline and overall physical capabilities of the creature, he would now have to fight for his life against, watched as a tail, also a lucrative part of this revealing transformation, broke free from the garmented barrier as well. Rocky looked to be pleased that his entire body could now breathe easily, his tail flailing with an excited and obviously uncontrollable consistancy.

As you can see, I not only trippled the length of this particular paragraph, but gave this part of the story a more jubilant and complex feel. It's also easier to mentally visualize what's taking place, since I spare no detail in describing what happened. Adding Magus' reaction, also adds a personal perspective to the situation, and gives the reader another source to concept the mood, without just having to rely on verbal retorts/flow of conversation.

Magus, you actually made Brim's simple venue into a plot twist, which is quite impressive. I like how you described Rocky's vacation at the military base through letters written by a scientist. I can appreciate anyone who involves more than just cliche action scenes connected by arrogant retorts, and truly respects the reality of a demon's encounters in today's civilization. Brim asked for the military base to abandoned in haste, you cleverly deciding to make the base's abandonment a response to Rocky's escape from theoretical experiments.

As it is accessible and conclusive through each individualized judgement, Magus wins this round.

Rocky, if you truly value a win, in regards to making a name for yourself and your entitled roster spot of VVU, I suggest you turn up the detail, and slow down the action, so that it almost has a Matrix style and feel to it. (a qoute taken from Cucumba himself) You'll not only find the length of your post doubling, and tripling in some cases, but you'll find yourself naturally taking greater lengths to make the story express itself on levels you think the reader should accept.

Good luck in Round 2, gentlemen.
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 6, 2004
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The Vampire wrapped his arms around his body, shivering in the pale moonlight. Slowly he began to feel his inner werewolf growing inside of him. The Gargoyle watched with intense curiosity as Magus began to sprout long shaggy fur, His head turned into a long snout and his limbs morphed into paws. The Werewolf in front of him looked terrifying as it stood bathed in the eerie yellow moonlight. Suddenly aware of Rocky’s existence, Magus turned and stared down the end of his snout at the Gargoyle. Rocky, unintimidated stared straight back. The two creatures let out long low growls through barred teeth as they slowly paced in a circle. Rocky lowered himself down on all fours, his tail flickering with uncontrollable anticipation as the thought of a worthy opponent crossed his mind.

Magus was the first to strike. He ran at the Gargoyle with his claws primed for attack. Rocky waited till the last second before he leapt to his feet, his claws matching the Werewolf’s paws. The two beasts were locked in a game of pure strength. No longer was it a battle of the Devil’s strongest fighter, but a battle of the strongest beast. Both creatures had forgotten their original reasons for battle, the only thing on their minds was defeating the other one. Pride had replaced all other thoughts and ambitions. Reason, was replaced by sheer strength, the beasts poured every ounce of their strength into the struggle for supremacy.

The creatures looked deep into each other’s eyes. Trying their best to gain any kind of advantage, be it physical or psychological. Magus broke the silence with a snap of his powerful jaws near Rocky’s face, the momentary distraction allowed the Werewolf to get a better hold and throw off the unsuspecting Gargoyle. Rocky quickly rose to his feet. Losing the first struggle hurt his pride more than his body. Unwilling to let that get him down, Rocky launched himself back at Magus. The two creatures became locked up once again. Pride had once again taken over. The seconds felt like hours as the creatures continued their struggle. This time however, Rocky was determined to win. Flexing his tail he jabbed the small blade into Magus’ side. The Werewolf roared in pain and Rocky was able to launch the Werewolf onto the floor.

Magus leapt back to his feet enraged. The score was even but Magus wasn’t willing to try for a third round. He leapt at Rocky, his claws at the ready. Grabbing a hold of Rocky’s arms the Werewolf dug his claws deep into the Gargoyle. Rocky retaliated as he bit into the werewolf’s arm. Both creatures stepped back, bleeding from their arms, only to jump back in moments later with their sharp claws. The creatures paced around each other, each time they stepped within range a flurry of swipes from sharp claws were thrown. Magus bode his time, waiting for the Gargoyle to slip up. When it happened Magus was on him with such speed. Grabbing onto the Gargoyles back, scratching and biting with whatever tools his body had.

The Gargoyle winced in pain but was not about to go down so fast. Rocky began numerous attempts to throw off the werewolf. However this proved more difficult than expected. Rocky wrapped his huge hands around the Werewolf, in an attempt to throw him off, but the Werewolf’s grip was too strong. Struggling with the hold, Rocky found a building and began slamming Magus into it. Large cracks began to form in and around the wall. Magus’ grip began to falter as the wall crumbled and the two creatures fell inside.

Rocky stood up amidst the dust and fallen debris. Blood poured from numerous cuts and bruises which he had suffered from Magus, but none posed any serious threat. Not far away, Magus similarly inspected his body to find much the same as Rocky. The two creatures turned to face each other. A pile of rocks and various other junk including dead soldiers lay in their path. However nothing would get in the way of this colossal battle of the beasts. Rocky and Magus began heading toward each other, stepping on anything that got in their way. Finally, eye to eye, the creatures locked up in another grapple. However, due to the uneven ground, both beasts found it hard to hold their footing and found themselves pushing and pulling each other into shelves and walls. Cracks began forming around the building as it began to crumble from the inside.


The walls began to tumble down on the unsuspecting creatures that held onto each other in a tremendous struggle. However, the thick concrete roof was enough to separate the two. The two monsters were torn apart by the falling ceiling and were forced to protect themselves. Once the dust had settled, Rocky stood up as did Magus. Both creatures remained unscathed from the collapsed building, their thick durable hides could withstand much more than what they had suffered thus far. Steam poured from Rocky’s scratches as they begun to heal. Magus had also begun to heal, although it was less obvious because of his fur. Rocky once again lowered himself to all fours. This time however, Magus joined him. The two paced around the collapsed building, each picturing their next move. Rocky was the first to strike. From his crouched position he was able to launch himself with precision and speed at the unsuspecting Werewolf. Rocky tackled the Werewolf and the two rolled around the debris biting and clawing at anything they deemed as the enemy. Rocky found himself underneath Magus and opened his mouth wide, biting down hard on the Werewolf’s back Magus let out a piercing scream as he struggled to get free. Once the Werewolf had broken free and retreated a short distance, Rocky stood up and spat out a mouthful of fur.

Magus was quick to anger, he launched himself at Rocky, but he was too slow, Rocky had taken flight, mocking the Werewolf. Rocky climbed higher into the air, his tail twisting and twirling with excitement. Rocky landed on top of a military building, coaxing the Werewolf to follow but certain he would not be able to make it. Rocky was wrong, Magus ran at full speed to the building, leaping at the last second. The Gargoyle was amazed at the Werewolf’s agility as Magus cleared the building in one jump. Once again the creatures had their eyes locked up. Magus growled long and low, clearly showing his dislike for the Gargoyle, Rocky’s smile quickly turned to a scowl as he prepared for the next onslaught. This time Magus was the first to strike. Leaping at the Gargoyle he drew his paw back for a long swipe, which connected, Rocky roared in pain as blood oozed from the four new lines that had been carved into him. Magus didn’t stop there however. He picked up the struggling Gargoyle and hoisted him onto his shoulders. Running at full speed along the roof, Magus stopped before the end and threw the Gargoyle onto the roof of a military supply tent, which instantly crumbled under the weight of the Gargoyle. Magus spared no free second. He instantly followed suit, jumping into the broken tent.

Back on the ground the two beasts struggled to fight amidst the crumpled remains of the tent. Each step was a fifty percent chance of landing in a supply crate and falling to the ground in a heap. Rocky was unwilling to take that chance and instead began lifting heavy crates filled with weapons and ammunition and throwing them at the wily Werewolf. Magus braced himself for the onslaught, but found it easy to rip apart each and every crate the Demon threw at him. Rocky became infuriated as he saw none of his projectiles doing any damage. Instead he decided to throw himself at the unsuspecting Werewolf and tear him to shreds.

But Rocky’s plans were interrupted when…

Bright search lights were switched on, lighting up the entire base camp. Both creatures looked around with perplexed curiosity as the silence was broken by the sound of jeeps and hum-vees. Then, a loud crash as the perimeter fence was smashed down. The creaky sound of the P.A. system being turned on, also caught both creatures off guard.

“This is the United States Special Forces. We are being ordered by the President of the United States of America in conjunction with Weyland Utani, to personally subdue the creature and/or creatures that have been set loose in this facility. Any soldiers that are alive at this point are encouraged to step forward and come into our protection.”

The man on the P.A. had not expected their to be any survivors and was about to make his second statement when a small section of the floor opened and five men walked out, two soldiers and three scientists walked toward the bright lights which was the source of the loud voice .

The Colonel of the Special Forces put down the microphone and went to greet the survivors.

“We’re so glad some people survived; now you can tell us what happened.”

The men were too stunned to utter words, finally one of the scientists spoke out, “It was horrible, a…a Demon, with huge wings and an awful tail, he…he ripped through so many men. He showed no mercy, he…he even fed on them, all the time he spoke under his breath, a…prophecy or something, he even mentioned the name Satan. Then another one showed up not long ago, they’ve been fighting this whole time. We just didn’t know what to do.”

The Colonel nodded his face was one that really seemed to care.

“One last thing, Are you the only survivors?”

The scientist nodded looking at his companions.

“Thank you for your time.” The leader looked at the troops nearby, smiling, he said. “Kill them!”

The survivors looked up in horror as the soldiers raised their guns and opened fire.

“That’s one loose end, now to tie up the other one.” The leader jumped back up to his jeep and picked up his microphone.
“To the two creatures that are hiding in this base, you are completely surrounded. You are urged to hand yourselves in quietly or we will be forced to eliminate you.”

Rocky and Magus had fled the scene of the tent some time ago; they both had run in opposite directions, uncertain of this new foe that had come in large numbers. Rocky found it difficult to conceal himself as the bright lights had eliminated nearly all the shadows. Magus had a similar problem. Instantly each creature had forgotten about the other and had turned its attention to the military. First things first, a surprise attack would clearly fail in such bright light. Rocky was the first to make a move. He snuck as close to a light as possible. Three guards were protecting it, their rifles at the ready. Rocky paced himself waiting for his moment. Suddenly the first guard looked away, Rocky ran straight toward him, ripping a hole in his throat, the other two guards quickly turned and opened fire, but Rocky was already behind them. He grabbed a head in each of his mammoth hands and with a quick turn of his wrist, both necks had been snapped. Rocky turned to face the giant light. With one gigantic punch, he smashed it. Instantly the camp became significantly darker.

Rocky turned to look for his next target, but as he did so it also went dark. Images of the Werewolf suddenly came back to his mind. It would have to wait. Rocky ran at full speed to the third light. Slowing down as the shadows became thin. This light was packed with ten guards and a hum-vee which had a large M60 mounted on the front. A tired looking guard manned the large gun. Rocky climbed up a nearby building, still hidden in shadows, expanding his massive wings he took flight, without warning he took a nose dive, heading right for the M60. The soldier realised too late. Rocky had grabbed him by the throat and took him into the air. Snapping his neck, Rocky dropped him on the light which smashed. The camp began to return to its former darkness. The soldiers struggled to see Rocky in the darkness and began shooting blindly into the air. One soldier pulled out his torch and began waving it through the air. Suddenly he pulled it down to look at his comrades. None were standing. The soldier let out a cowardly scream as he felt Rocky’s hand around his throat.

“Colonel, we’ve lost contact with camps Two, Four and Five”

The Colonel swore with disgust, the Special Forces squad had never lost a battle, but this was shaping up to be the first.

Magus found it much easier to move now that the camp was shrouded in darkness once again, all that remained was camp Three. Creeping up in the shadows Magus found himself behind four soldiers. Letting out a low growl the soldiers turned in shock as they found themselves staring at a real life Werewolf. Their screams of terror were ended shortly thereafter. The final light went dim.

“Colonel, we’ve lost contact with all the sub groups and all the lights are out. I’m afraid we’re alone here.”

“No…we’re not alone at all.”

Rocky and Magus approached camp One from opposite ends. The camp was lit only by the headlights of a few jeeps. Making the scene even more terrifying then it already was. Rocky crept up slowly to a cautious guard who was literally shaking in his boots. Rocky let out a long growl, enjoying the fear in his adversary’s eyes. The guard instantly fired his gun, alerting the entire camp. Rocky waited till he heard the clicking of an empty clip. Immediately he stood straight up. The guard’s eyes opened wide when he saw how close the creature really was. Rocky extended his huge claw and the guard was no more. On the other side, Magus had crept up to a group of guards who had all been scared silent. Silently he moved in closer till finally he leapt at the guards, biting and tearing them to pieces.

“That’s enough, Lieutenant, prepare to move out.”

The sound of engines filled the silence as three jeeps turned and retreated back into the black forest. Smiling, Rocky returned to the centre of the camp and waited. He didn’t have to wait long as Magus had the same idea, both creatures had blood dripping off their bodies, but it wasn’t their own. Invigorated by the taste of blood, both creatures leapt at each other, biting and clawing like they had been all night. Rocky found himself in a compromising situation as Magus had grabbed a hold of him leaving his neck exposed. Rocky struggled to break free as the Werewolf dug his fangs deep into the Gargoyles neck. Rocky exploded with anger, breaking free of the hold, fortunately the Werewolf had not tasted any of his blood. Rocky looked at the scratches on his body, then at Magus’, clearly he had suffered more damage, Rocky decided to play it safe and stick to hit and run tactics. Spreading his enormous wings, Rocky took to the air once more. Giving himself enough distance from the Werewolf, Rocky dive-bombed the waiting Werewolf. Magus just evaded in time. For his size, Rocky was incredibly quick.

Determined to not give up after one miss, Rocky attempted the same attack once more, this time he managed a quick swipe at Magus before heading back into the air. Magus however, had mapped out the movements, and this time he was ready. Rocky swooped for a third time, determined to finish the Werewolf once and for all, however, it was not to be, Magus ducked under the swoop, but before Rocky could take flight once more, Magus grabbed onto Rocky’s long mechanical tail. Rocky struggled to fly with the additional weight of the Werewolf hanging on. Magus continued to pull hungrily on the tail until he heard the sound of metal bending and breaking


Magus fell to the floor in a heap; however in his hands he held Rocky’s tail. Rocky screamed in pain and crash landed to the floor, sparks danced on the end of brightly coloured wires where his tail used to be. Rocky slowly got back to his feet, attempting to run away to regain his composure. As he did so, he felt his conscious mind return to him. His long claws returned to fingers, his long pointy fangs returned to their normal size and his huge hulking body became more slender. Rocky was back to normal.

The Werewolf threw the tail to the floor as he pursued the fleeing Demon. Rocky tried hard to ignore the tremendous pain in his lower back, and began to think of a way to return the battle to an even playing field. However Magus was right on him. Rocky avoided the first swipe but could do nothing but shield himself from the second swipe, which tore a huge hole in one of his metal wings. Rocky immediately took to the air, determined to have a moment to calm him self.

Flying had become somewhat difficult now that he had a hole in his wing. Rocky was also without his tail, which he used for balance and steering. Finding it difficult to remain in the air, and sensing that it was draining his remaining energy, rather than allowing him to recover it. Rocky landed on the tallest building in the camp. The watch tower, and gathered his thoughts.

That huge, angry Werewolf wants to tear me to pieces, and my only hope of defeating it was in Gargoyle form. I’m far too weak to attempt the transformation again. It would seem if I’m going to defeat him, I’ll have to cut him down to my size.”

Rocky thought for a moment, contemplating his options, “Well I could use the unholy ball...” Rocky’s mind drifted back to the last time he used that technique “He got right back up…hmm. I suppose I could use that technique, although the drain on my body would be significant.”

Rocky’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of claws digging into steel. Magus had climbed up a nearby building and was beginning to make his way up the steel tower.

“It would appear as if my time has run out, I have to use that technique.”

Rocky closed his eyes and held out his palm. Concentrating deeply he became in control of his energy flow. He began concentrating his energy into his palm, soon enough he had formed the unholy ball, but Rocky didn’t stop there. He searched deep into his body and gathered whatever energy he could muster. The small orb in his hand continued to grow. Rocky felt the tips of his limbs go numb as he drew in every ounce of his energy. Magus stopped climbing, instantly aware of the force Rocky was mustering. The Werewolf leapt back down to the roof and braced himself for the attack. Finished, Rocky opened his eyes. Staring down into the ball he had formed, Rocky smiled. The ball had grown to the size of his entire palm. Rocky released the ball and allowed it to gently orbit his body. Dark crackles of lightning constantly connected Rocky to the orb. Smiling, Rocky opened out his palm and allowed the orb to return.

Magus waited on top of the roof, uncertain of what the Demon had conjured. He ensured he had good footing and held his arms out in anticipation for the ball. Rocky smiled, he drew his hand back and without further delay, he launched the ball directly at Magus. There was a loud sizzling sound as the ball met with Magus’ hands. Rocky smiled as he watched the Werewolf battle his creation. The battle was even at first, but eventually Rocky noticed that Magus had begun to slide away, slowly at first, but as the ball gained momentum the speed at which Magus slid increased. Suddenly, Magus found himself teetering on the edge; his momentary distraction was the ultimate cause of his loss. The ball launched Magus off the edge and straight through the door of another supply tent. The tent instantly gave way and collapsed, but from the tower, Rocky clearly saw that the struggle continued. Without warning Rocky watched as the ball soared through the air and detonate as it reached the top of the trees. Instantly the battleground went dark. Rocky’s enhanced vision guided him to the floor, where he slowly walked to the collapsed tent.

“Ingenious.” Magus said, clapping as he walked from the remains of the tent. The first thing Rocky noted was that he was no longer in his Werewolf form.
“That technique, what do you call it? It’s quite amazing.”

Rocky smiled, “Actually I’ve never used it before, it’s a modified form of the Unholy Ball, and I suppose if I was going to name it, it would be the…Super Unholy Ball?”

“It’s quite an ingenious move, you pour all your dark energy into it, till it becomes somewhat like a vacuum for dark energy. You then launch the ball at an unsuspecting me, who foolishly tried to deflect it. That is when the ball works its magic, draining the very source of my Werewolf form. Of course you don’t stop there. After I’m transformed to my normal state, you launch the ball into the air where it’s detonated, effectively cutting off any remaining moonlight and preventing me from transforming again. I didn’t know a creature of your stature possessed such intelligence.”

“The Dark Lord has taught me well.” Rocky said, between heavy breathing.

“Ahh, you see there’s one downside to your little technique. Earlier when you produced your normal sized ball, I immediately felt the drain on your body, this, ‘Super’ ball obviously would drain you much more, that, combined with your already fatigued and damaged body, would leave you in a very compromising position.”

Rocky managed a smile. “Don’t count me out just yet Vampire.”

Magus scowled, “Surely you don’t mean to continue? You played your last card Demon, granted it was a very good one, but you are battered and beaten give up and return to your master.”

Rocky just smiled, instantly his eyes flickered black

“Master, I require aid, Magus was much tougher than I was led to believe and…”

“That’s impossible Rocky, you know your mission, and I will not offer you any assistance.”


“SILENCE! You know full well the reason why you were sent to battle Magus; if you are unable to beat him on your own then perhaps it would be wiser for me to replace you with him.”

“I’m sorry Master; I will go ahead as planned.”

Rocky’s eyes returned to their former red colour. Rocky inspected his battered body. First and foremost was his missing tail, and then of course the hole in his wing, Rocky looked at the scar on his chest where Magus had stabbed him. A wound like that would take a long time to heal. Then Rocky recalled the tremendous amount of energy he put into his ball. This fight would take everything he had.

Magus watched the bizarre process unfolding before his eyes, after watching Rocky’s body language after the communication, he instantly realised that Rocky was all alone on this one. “Perfect.” Magus lunged at Rocky with a series of punches and kicks, Rocky did his best to avoid contact with the swinging Vampire, but found it difficult in his battered body. Nevertheless, Rocky kept his mind focussed on his goal, and on the situation at hand.

In the distance, Rocky’s eyes caught a glimpse of something. Rocky almost paid for the distraction, quickly switching back to the fight Rocky narrowly avoided a Magus’ fist. But then, Rocky caught sight of it again, this time he picked out a faint green, much like that of night vision goggles. Magus was far too enthralled in his impending victory to notice and made Rocky pay for his distraction. Magus placed both his hands on Rocky’s shoulders and used them as leverage as he thrust both his knees into Rocky’s gut. Magus completed the combination with a spinning back kick, which launched Rocky into a pile of rubble.

Despite the pain in his entire body, Rocky’s eyes were fixated on the green circles. Then, he saw it, the glint of a scope. Rocky ignored the pain as he leapt to his feet and ran toward Magus who had just turned after hearing the shot. The scene that followed felt almost like slow motion for the Vampire. He watched as Rocky dove in front of him catching the bullet in mid flight. Looking down he saw the blood pour from the newly opened wound in Rocky’s side. Magus turned his attention to the source of the bullet. More bullets began to rain down on the deadly duo. Magus however, was far too quick, moving with tremendous speed, the Vampire was soon behind the owner of the rifle. The colonel muttered a prayer under his breath before Magus’ hands closed in around him. Magus inspected the rifle, which was like none he’d ever seen, unloading the gun; Magus had a look at the bullets. The sound of cooking flesh whispered, as Magus touched one of the bullets. “Just as I thought, Silver!” Magus picked up the lifeless corpse of the Colonel and trekked back to Rocky.

Rocky crawled around in a pool of his own blood, literally feeling the life around him slip away. Looking up he saw his Magus carrying the body of the assailant. Magus dropped the body to the floor.

“Here, eat.”

Rocky’s mind flooded with thoughts of doubt and caution. “Why?”

“Don’t think too much of it. It’s not a wedding present… merely a token of my appreciation.”

Rocky asked no more questions, in a flash he pounced on the lifeless victim and began devouring his flesh and drinking his blood. Rocky felt new life soar through him as he feasted on the human. Satisfied Rocky rose to his feet.

“Why did you save me?” Magus asked.

Rocky let go a light chuckle, “You still don’t get it do you?” The Dark Lord is gathering all those who would aid him to his side. A great war is looming over the horizon. All is set. There’s only one thing missing…A leader.”

Magus stopped for a moment, instantly everything became much clearer to him. All his recent jobs, his new weapons, everything had been leading to this very moment.

“I’m not sure whether to be flattered or pissed off. Satan knows I am at his command, surely he could have sent for me rather than arrange this elaborate trap.”

“God is not the only one who works in mysterious ways.” Rocky joked.

“…and he wants me? Why not both of us?”

“There can be only one leader.” Rocky said, his famous smile once again appearing on his face.

“So this will be a battle to the death then?”

“Would you have it any other way?”

“I guess not.”

Rocky and Magus once again resumed fighting positions, the battle had taken yet another unexpected turn and yet somehow, both fighters knew it wouldn’t be the last.
💻 Oldtimer
May 29, 2002
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I can easily say, just as I commented in the last round, that I thoroughly enjoyed both posts.

Rocky, you improved quite increasingly in the area of detail. Your story flowed better because of it, and I was able to truly vizualize each event as I encountered them. You took Magus' plot, the army experimenting on your character and him eventually retaliating, and rightfully kept the realistic aspect to it, the army soon sending reinforcements to hopefully deal with their escaped test subject. One thing I noticed, you both probably noticing too, is that there were moments in your post that seemed almost indentical. You also had a couple grammar mistakes here and there. But, nothing too serious. Overall, this round blew your previous one way.

Magus, as usual, you bring an impressive personal perspective and a respectable flow. The flashback was a nice touch, and really set the mood for your character. I also prefered your explanation of Satan's thoughts, in regard to the fight of his two minions. You definately are stronger in the conversation department, and work it into the storyline better. Your experience showed in this fight, but as I stated above, you also had grammar errors here and there as well.

This decision requiring me to read each post a couple times, I have decided that Magus is the winner of this round, and the fight.

Magus, you gain 6300 exp for the win.

Rocky, you gain 530 exp for the loss.
King of the Hello Kitty Fanclub
💻 Oldtimer
Sep 6, 2004
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"I’ve made my decision, enjoy!"

Magus tightened his grip on the barbed wire choking the remaining life out of Rocky, suddenly Rocky’s eyes flickered black, but only for an instant the puzzle had been solved.

“Wait.” Rocky struggled with the barbed wire and eventually pulled himself up. “I’ve solved the Dark Lord’s riddle, I know what we must do.”

Magus loosened his grip on the wire, “This had better be good.”

Rocky smiled. “Only one warrior can lead the armies of hell to a glorious victory against the green menace. Unfortunately neither of us possesses the power to do it alone.”

Magus looked confused. “What are you getting at Demon?”

“The truth is Magus despite your victory over me you aren’t yet powerful enough to accomplish this new mission. This meeting was arranged to prepare you.”

Rocky removed the wire from his neck and limped toward Magus. Lowering himself to one knee, Rocky revealed the biggest surprise of the evening.

“I hereby pledge my allegiance to Magus and to Verbal Violence United, as I have been commanded by my lord and master, Lucifer.”

Magus stepped back, shocked at this new development “What are you plotting?”

Rocky looked up at Magus. “You still don’t see it…the solution, it lies in both of us.”

Rocky tilted his head to the side, exposing his neck.

“Only with our combined power and the power of the devil himself, will you defeat Cucatoth and rule supreme over P’kyl. His blood flows through mine. It empowers me and grants me unforseen strength.”

“What’s the catch?”

Rocky looked up, failing to conceal the tremendous grin that had formed on his face.

“Anyone who drinks from the devil’s blood will forever be bound as his servant.”

“I’m not sure if I’m willing to give up my freedom.”

“You don’t seem to understand, The Nation of Administration is moving, their low level troops are easily able to defeat average humans, and their strong warriors are more than capable of defeating our kind. The Devil quite enjoys ruling from below and he is not willing to sacrifice that. NoA is spread out at the moment, they are vulnerable, now is the time to strike. If you do not take up this offer, then we are all doomed.”

Magus thought for a moment. “I am Magus, part Vampire, part Werewolf and…” Gazing at Rocky’s neck Magus made his decision. “part Demon.”

Magus bit down hard on Rocky’s neck, draining the blood from his body. The taste was unlike anything he’d ever had before. It was empowering. Rocky smiled as he endured the sensation of having his blood drained. More and more Magus took, Rocky’s eyes felt fuzzy as he began to lose consciousness and fall into never ending sleep.

As Magus drained the last drop of blood, he began to feel a new change growing inside him. Clutching at his stomach he fell to his knees in agony.

“What’s…happening to me?”

Magus’ pale white skin began to change to a sickly yellow, his fingers grew short pointy nails and his sharp teeth grew a little longer but the most obvious change was the two tiny horns that began to protrude from his forehead. Whatever remaining humanity Magus had, was gone.

Before Rocky left this plane of existence, he looked up at the new Magus. Who was stronger and more deadly than ever before. "Mission Accomplished…" then silence.

Magus looked over the body of Rocky which miraculously faded away.

“Thank you, Demon. Your sacrifice will not be in vain. Cucatoth. You will now feel the might of Satan himself.


“Wake up Rocky.”
“I’m not finished with you yet.”

Rocky opened his eyes.
Live free or die by the sword
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Dec 1, 2001
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North East Pennsylvania
From deep within a shadow, Cucumba watched . . . and he snickered.

They lack the covenant . . . nothing can defeat it.

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