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  1. F

    3ds max

    i need help finding tutorials i just 'bought' 3ds max 6 and its really confusing, iv already checked the modeling forum thingy and no help there, ive searched everywhere, but i cant find one good tutorial
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    wip my esf map

    well here it is, havent been able to try it out cus... I dont kno how to figgen compile it!!!!! so yea.... heres a couple pics u can go inside of the big cliff thingy, but im too lazy to take a lot of screen shots, so yea, ur gonna have to wait till im done critz is welcome, just keep...
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    i need help compiling

    i really need help compiling it, and adding the good and evil starts, plus the deathmatch ones, im confused at all of this, but i really need help, right now im using a batch compiler, but when i compile it, its looks all weird and shtuff, and i cant play it, can someone plz contact me aim, or...
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    Can Somebody Explain the func_breakable entitie pweeze!!!

    yea, im kinda confused about all that shtuff
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    Wuts the difference between worldcraft and vhe??

    they both look the same to me, but there must be a difference, which is better? i have wc 3.3 where can i get updates and shtuff??
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    how do u kno how big a map should be???

    yea... im a noob map maker, ive never made a map, (but im working on one) and before i work ne farther, i was wondering how big a map should be...
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    I Dont Completely Understand Some Of The Entities

    i dont understand the info_player_start and evil start and good start and death match entites completely, dont they need atributtes, where should i place them, and wut other entites are very vital, or wut entites should i put in my map
  8. F

    I Need Some Ideas

    Ive Searched, Asked Peeples, And I've Got A Headache So I Cant ThiNk Of One Right noww, so could SOmebody PLZ gimme an idea for a map, arfity.... thnx
  9. F

    Forum Pics

    y arent they showing, and will they return from teh dead?
  10. F


    can someone plz list the moves, and how much damage each move does... thnx...
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