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  1. M

    Melee Problem... i think

    Im pretty good at meleeing but i was wondering about one problem i seemed to have. Whenever i try to melee someone who is rolling it would only work on occasion. This has seriously hampered my chain comboing and sometimes have even led me to die. It even sometimes goes to the extent that...
  2. M

    Bots with Steam?

    After some hassle i got ESF working on steam...but no servers up yet. So i tried to get some bots. However when i installed the bots, i could never make the server, because after i set up everything the game would crash before even getting to the server load up screen. Should i just wait...
  3. M

    Tetris music?

    Ive been looking around for the tetris music for some time now...but all i find is remixes and rock songs. What is the orignal songs name? Also..where can i find it.
  4. M

    How to stop block whores?

    Well i understand it is a part of the game and all, but people that hold block and wait for a melee are annoying as hell! I usually try and teleport behind and melee but with an experienced blocker they just turn around....And yes, i do know there are characeters with anti-blocking things (like...
  5. M

    What makes a good Anime?

    Well the story line is....well the storyline. Or do you want complex characters...who get emotional and are hard to figure out.. u just like flashy-glowy things.... This option is more or less for people who just want good art and cool flashy things. (Everyone probably justs...
  6. M

    Where can i get the original models?

    I, being the idiot i am, decided not to save the original model. Is there any way (besides reinstalling) to get it?? Thank you.
  7. M

    Woah...i started playing Half life with Goku...sort of

    Well one day i was sitting at my keyboard and the ESF mod was loaded...then i started smashing my keyboard. To my surprise it went to that "play game"screen of half life,picked a difficulty, and went to the rail car that happens at the start of Half Life. But when i chose a team it went to the...
  8. M

    Gallit Gun Underpowered?

    In the anime the gallit gun took on kamehameha...until it got kao....oke..something.... Shouldnt it be the same in ESF? The kamehameha creates a huge beam as soon as u start off...but not gallit...Is it underpowered??
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    Ok it may just be that i suck, but i can never teleport threw people. When ever i try i just end up right in front of them. They should put it in if its not already....and yet again i have made no difference.
  10. M

    Transform into different levels.

    OK i like the first transformations because its like what it is in the show. But the 2nd and third are kinda....nothing. I think there should be another long transformation time followed by the tranformation to a new in the show.It would be like this Goku 1.Turn super sayinn for...
  11. M

    Blocking could be better...i think..

    A lot of people (occasionaly me) overuse blocking. They just hold it down. This prevents people from being able to melee(becauswe they will melee you after) and from shooting quick beams at the person(it will most likely be deflected) I think that if you block an attack it should still move...
  12. M

    I was thinking about the enviroment...

    Shouldnt you be able to interact with the background? In the anime, a hard hit sends the weak person plummeting through a giant mountain(or three) In you should be able to knock people through stuff, or fly through things( at the expense of speed or ki or something) just a thought......oh yea...
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