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  1. Vladius

    A suggestion about suggestions

    I was thinking about the use of this section Most of the times people are posting suggestions about features that have already been thought through by the ESF team So that makes the suggestion section quite useless I suggest that ESF team post a list of things and features that require...
  2. Vladius

    Special Powerup

    I know that it has already been suggested , but those suggestions were not well thought-out The concept goes like this A character has a special transformation, it is achieved by power-upping with turbo till the maximum, then pressing the trans button Every character should have a different...
  3. Vladius

    New teleport concept

    Well at first I would like to say that i didn't thought it through well, so any critics are accepted. The teleport system in ESF isn't DBZ-style In the show we can see that they can teleport whenever they want and at various distances On the contrary, in ESF you can only teleport at a specific...
  4. Vladius


    Well, I was surfing on the internet when I've encountered this site ~link removed Go to the "Download games section" You will see a little surprise there :)
  5. Vladius


    It's a minor suggestion really I thought that it will be better if some abilities would had a cooldown I'm not talking about all of them now Kamehame, Galitgun, Mouthbeam and other beams should refer to non-cooldown skills But some abilities should have a cooldown, refresh time of 1-5 secs would...
  6. Vladius

    Tournament mode

    Hi all. I'd like to suggest a new game mode to ESF It would be called tournament (Or duel mode) It is similar to Star Wars: Jedi Academy duel mode I think this mode will please ESF pro's and newbies as well Also this mode will favored by DM haters because many people like duels more than...
  7. Vladius

    XML question

    Hi all, I'd like to ask something about the XML tool I know in the final version you will be able to add custom sounds, taunts etc. But will the sounds be heard by other players or only by you?
  8. Vladius


    Piccolo's eyelaser isn't working correctly The range is very high As far as I know it's a small radius atack;)
  9. Vladius

    Beta Question

    I've downoaded the latest Open Beta but i think I haven't the latest version because a saw a screenshot of the select menu and it isn't the same Here is my menu is it the last version?
  10. Vladius

    Ultimate Beam Suggestion

    So here how it goes :fight: Alternative attack button works like an ultimate attack of a beam Example LMB - Kamehameha RMB-Super Kamehame this beam will charge slower but will have a devastating attack and slow to medium speed It will take half of the SP and 3/4 or 5/6 of the KI] For...
  11. Vladius

    Atack on Swoop

    Hi everyone, Is it real to add shooting Ki-blasts or generic beams when swooping if it is real i'm suggesting to add this P.S. additional Ki burn included :) Thank's for your attention
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