Recent content by blaize

  1. B

    Make your own subtitle movie ;P
  2. B

    Uzumaki Naruto

    torso is to short, it messes up all the proportions.. stretch it, and it'll be fine. just do the wrong to hip trick :P ( when arms are lowered they wrist is at the same hight as the hip ( stand up and try it kids ;) )
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    Uzumaki Naruto

    Nataku... dude. read what you quoted: "if this is stealing/ripping then what is Nataku's skinning style ? he started using it after SV showed the style Zeq2 used. seriously.. this is stupid," note the "this is stupid" it means that my remark isnt serious, as i think that Goku[SSJ] isnt...
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    Uzumaki Naruto

    I'm not a big Goku[SSJ] fan, he has a bit of an attitude problem imo ( some people say i've got that to :P ) but jeez.. you people sure like pissing on someone dont you ? so what if the guy did some photo-sourcing ? this isnt like stealing models, or looking at wireframes of others to use in...
  5. B


    i know it has a polyflow.. every model has a polyflow. what i mean is that it's a bad polyflow, imo it's to basic to be called "polyflow". here's my idea of polyflow :smile: ofcourse this model is ment as high poly
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    what about showing some bigger pictures from different angles ? in WIP treads, flat shaded pictures help more then smooth shaded ones, so please show some. the shoes should be tapered.. your lower leg is thicker then your ancle ;) no sure if anyone noticed.. but it's polyCOUNT not...
  7. B

    What modeling programs do you use?

    3dmax 5 - modeling, rigging, UVW mapping, rendering. Photoshop 7 - textures. i know: Blender (its like a woman.. not easy to get into but when you do... yeah ;) ) Zbrush Mudbox (this tool will take over Z-brush i think) Ms3D I really want to get into Blender, it's open-source so...
  8. B


    (i use 3dmax btw) I always start with a single plane (quad) and extrude the edges. so that's just the mouse and the shift button :P also use connect, collapse, remove. With high poly faces i start at the eyes, with low poly faces i start between the eyes/nose. But this tread is a bit...
  9. B

    NEW POTW!!!

    SV made the model, SV made the head skin. this is more a zeq2 model then a ESF model i think >_<
  10. B

    Kama's Kompetition #2, Vote now!

    i guess some people cant take the fact that they cant win this competition :P Broli (yeah.. with a 'B' >_> ) asked me to vote and so i did.. but not before checking out all the other models also. Me and Broli worked on ZEQ2 together, so ofcourse i like him more then the rest (dont even know...
  11. B

    Vegetto Skinage WIP

    checked it in photoshop, i was wrong ;) the pants are indeed purple (eventhough it's darn close to blue) *slaps SV* Bad SV ! ;)
  12. B

    Vegetto Skinage WIP

    Phonso, you've got a TFT monitor ? if so, try looking at the picture a little lower, the colors are the same.
  13. B

    Vegetto Skinage WIP

    it's the artist that makes the model Gabe, not the program. Your work looks like usual SV, Great! :) can hardly find any critz, really good ^_^ be prepared to put him on hold in a day or two though ;)
  14. B

    Help with link model

    it uses animated textures, so if you would want to copy the zelda method, dont worry about animating the face model. Kasey, you dont seem to know what youre talking about. it's just a transparant piece of hair, no eyebrows painted on it or anything.
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    DBZ Hair Tut

    i like the end result, but i dont think this method is for me. I'm still doing hair the old fashion way (not meaning hairstyle). Creatnig cilinders placing them on the correct places, and connecting it all together. Beginning modelers find it hard to keep the model clean with 'my' method...
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